Being recognised leaders in Australian Wills and Estates law, Teece Hodgson & Ward solicitors are frequently called on to act for interstate and overseas law firms.

Our expertise in advising and assisting interstate, and overseas, law firms in all matters of local assets can include the following services:

  • Obtaining reseals of interstate and foreign grants of probate
  • Acting for estates dealing with assets and beneficiaries in New South Wales, interstate and overseas
  • Providing advice to private clients and law firms on Australian estate planning and estate administration laws
  • Assisting private clients on estate planning across multiple jurisdictions
  • Advising overseas clients, and law firms, on estate claims and litigation in Australia

How we can help


Our team can provide you with expert information and reliable advice about overseas and interstate estate matters. Our recognised experts including Accredited Specialists are:

Caroline Sims  who qualified in England and Wales and was an Accredited Specialist in Mental Health Law, brings additional expertise to the team including extensive experience with issues relating to capacity.


We’d like to hear from you

If you’d like to speak with someone from the Teece Hodgson & Ward team,
please give us a call on 02 9232 3733, or contact us.