At Teece Hodgson & Ward we have an experienced team which includes leading NSW Law Society Accredited Specialists in Wills and Estate Law.

This makes us leaders when it comes to acting in matters concerning:

  • Contested estates
  • Disputed wills
  • Family provision
  • Other estate disputes

Our clients are served by one of our senior estate planning or estate litigation specialists, who are able to provide expert and reliable advice on all the issues that may arise.

Richard Neal is appointed by the Court as an Administrator or Interim Administrator where there are disputed executorship issues or where there is litigation pending and assets and liabilities need to be administered pending resolution.

Our extensive experience means that we can quickly assess the potential of any claim, and give practical and timely advice. This will save you time, money and distress.

Our experience in dealing with disputed Wills and Claims means that Wills we draft can take into account the potential for later challenges.

We can help you make informed decisions about any estate dispute, in particular our solicitors have expert knowledge in the following areas:

We also have an extensive range of useful resources relating to estate disputes.



How we can help

Our team can provide you with expert information and reliable advice in estate disputes.

They include:   Richard Neal, Indran Sinnadurai, Kirstin Fulcher and Heather Baker



We’d like to hear from you

If you’d like to speak with someone from the Teece Hodgson & Ward team,
please give us a call on 02 9232 3733, or contact us.